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THA Board Nominations Now Open

By Triad Hockey Alliance, 01/04/25, 7:30AM EST



As we look forward to the spring of 2025, Triad Hockey Alliance is looking for nominations to replace outgoing Board members with members willing to serve a term of three years. Nominations open on Friday, January 3, 2025 and close on February 2, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

The THA Bylaws sets out a nomination and election procedure. The first step in the election process is the nomination of individuals interested in serving on the board. The nomination form link is included below.  Individuals are invited to nominate themselves by completing the form provided in the link below.

When the nominations close, all nominees will be reviewed by the Board Nomination and Election Committee to ensure they are eligible and in good standing. If so, a candidate profile will be created using the information provided in the nomination form and the slate of candidates will be posted for voting. The 2025-2026 Board, including the newly elected members, will take office in April 2025.

All THA, GYHA and WSYHA members in good standing are eligible to run for the THA Board. All members are encouraged to consider serving - travel teams, House League and different age groups all need representation at the Board table. The Board requires expertise in all areas. You do not have to be a hockey expert to contribute - we need people with experience in all aspects of organization management.

The continued growth and development of an organization depends largely on the Board. It is essential to have a diverse group of individuals who are willing to give their time and skills to build on the work already completed and take the organization forward. Please consider contributing and participating in the organization.

If you have any questions please direct them to Joe Strasser, THA Board Member and Nomination and Election Chair. 

Joe Strasser

THA Board Member and Nomination and Election Chair